Matt Bentley was off-roading in the West Desert near the Salt Flats in Utah in January 2018. He saw something running down the trail, according to ilovemydogsomuch. At first, he didn’t even know what it was because of how rough it looked. As he got closer, though, he saw that it was a dog. The […]
“Stranded in the Storm: A Tale of Resilience and Neglect”
It’s important to act quickly to save an animal since a threatened animal is frequently associated with urgency. When they came upon an abandoned dog in the middle of a rainy day in Venezuela, the Fundación JR Rescata crew managed to save it. Before volunteers arrived to make an attempt at saving her, she was […]
“Touching Tale: Brave Girl Rescues Dying Dog, Their Heartfelt Goodbye Leaves Tears in Eyes”
All of us have read about and seen images of dogs that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. They always succeed in doing it in a unique way that touches our hearts. Here, Sophiane and Hippo are depicted, and their story is told. Sophiane Nacer wanted to give the abandoned dog the greatest “end of days,” […]
“Heroic German Shepherd Swims Over 11 Hours to Rescue Owner”
This is the amazing tale of a courageous dog who apparently searched the water for more than eight hours in an effort to locate and aid his missing owner. Her great efforts eventually paid off, as the owners was rescued. The moment unfolded in Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Australia, where a group of local fishermen spotted […]
“Brave Mama Dog Battles Life-Threatening Abscess to Protect Her Puppies”
A sicƙ street dσg was trying tσ taƙe care σf her ρuρs while battling a terrible infectiσn that was causing a huge bulge in her necƙ. When Animal Aid Unlimited, India arriνed tσ helρ her they discσνered the bulge was “an enσrmσus abscess – an infectiσn beneath the sƙin near her thrσat filled with ρus.” […]