Michael and Michelle Bower were ecstatic when they discovered they were expecting their first child, as were many other parents.
The Indiana pair were ecstatic to learn they were expecting a daughter, but a 20-week imaging cast doubt on their family’s future. The scan revealed that their daughter Lacey has spina bifida, a form of neural tube defect that can cause paralysis, brain abnormalities, and severe nerve trauma..LeNhung
“We had just learned the day before that we were expecting a girl,” Michelle recalled. “We desired a female. In less than 24 hours, we went from the pinnacle of highs to the lowest of lows.”
The doctors informed the devastated parents that it was unlikely their daughter would ever walk, speak, consume, or even breathe on her own. They advised Michelle to terminate the pregnancy, but the couple was adamant about giving Lacey a fighting opportunity at life. Michelle undertook a hazardous three-hour operation while Lacey was still in utero to close the opening in her spine.
Michelle and Lacey both underwent surgical procedures on April 27, 2020. Over thirty-five medical specialists were present during the delicate operation, and Michelle was placed on stringent bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy.
On July 20, Lacey was born via cesarean section. The infant was rushed to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), where she spent the next 18 days learning to feed and wriggling her toes and ankles. Doctors determined she is partially immobilized below the pelvis, but Lacey began defying the odds on day one!
To the astonishment of everyone in her life, Lacey began maturing on a relatively typical timetable. In fact, by the age of 19 months, she was speaking at the level of a typical 3-year-old. She learned how to roll over, squat, and lift herself up to standing despite her partial paralysis. With the aid of a walker, she has taken her first steps at nearly three years of age!
Michelle said with pride, “She exceeds the doctor’s wildest expectations.” “She is attempting to stand and is now supported while standing on her own. She can mount the sofa and ride her swaying horse with abandon.”
Michael stated, “Every day you get to witness a miracle.”
Lacey is rarely seen without a smile, and her mirth can soften the hardest of hearts. She is intelligent, inquisitive, and, above all, determined. Her parents believe that her determination has enabled her to defy the obstacles and walk independently.
Her father exclaimed in astonishment, “It’s truly incredible, considering that a year ago she was unable to stand.” “You know, Lacey is doing something we never expected to see her do. And now, a year later, she can walk in her walker while completely sustaining her own weight, which is just remarkable, and I believe we will reach a point where she will no longer require a walker. She is motivated.”
Some individuals appear to be born with a “never say never” mentality! We are eager to see how far this young prodigy will go in life.
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